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Ciao Italia! Join me in my latest adventure abroad

Updated: Oct 18, 2020

Buongiorno Italia, buongiorno Maria! After so many false starts and hiccups along the way (both Covid and personal BS), I’ve finally landed in Italy and I couldn’t be happier to start a new adventure here in Piemonte.

I’ve been pretty hush about my plans post undergrad this last year mainly because there was a lot of waiting involved. If you’re in my close circle then you know that I had big dreams to return to Italy and begin a masters program at the University of Gastronomic Sciences. But, mainly for fear that I wouldn’t initially be accepted, and then for fear that this program might not even start due to this global pandemic, I kept this all on the low for everyone else. But, now that's about to change!

I am currently spending two weeks quarantining in a gorgeous (and surprisingly spacious!) apartment in Bra, but once that is behind me I’m thrilled to be starting a Masters of Food Culture, Communication and Marketing at UNISG. As of right now, I don’t know much, but I do know that my courses will deal mainly with food geography and legislations, marketing, entrepreneurship, communication and sustainability. Naturally, there is a focus on Slow Food and how that is applicable to these areas of study.

I also look forward to chronicling seminars, product tastings, study trips and field exploration with you all, both here on the blog (expect more in-depth posts) and on Instagram (quick little tidbits)!

My wish is that I can share with you just a bit of the blessing that I’m experiencing here in Italy. Though this year has already been such a whirlwind, I’m thankful for the chance to partake in such a wonderful program after months of foodie heartache! I encourage you to leave comments on my upcoming study abroad posts...I love engaging with you guys.

A presto!

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1 commentaire

Maria Checchia
Maria Checchia
18 oct. 2020

I am super excited to read about your food adventures in Piemonte! I want to experience life as a foodie through your eyes! Let’s get started!

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